Filing a Premium Saver Claim
The most efficient way for your member to receive claims is for the provider to file the claim on their behalf. Please remind your members to give the provider the Premium Saver insurance card along with their major medical card.
If the insured chooses to file the Premium Saver claim, no claim form is required. Simply follow these steps:
- The insured’s claim is filed against their major medical carrier.
- The insured’s major medical company will provide the insured with an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) when they make payment to the provider. The EOB describes the procedures covered, facility used, benefits paid and the amount applied to the insured’s deductible, coinsurance or copays.
- The insured should ask their doctor and/or hospital to provide them with an itemized bill that includes the provider’s name, address, and tax ID number.
- The insured will then send the EOB and the itemized bill to MWG Administrators at Fax 601-956-1147 or call 888-888-2519.
Premium Saver Two-Card System Reminder
In order to make Premium Saver an effective product for our members, we must make sure they are fully educated on the product. Do they understand their benefits? Do they know how to utilize the 2-card system every time they visit a provider? This knowledge should start with you as the agent.